

SHB innovative fund concepts AG was as one of the first houses of emission savings funds on the market thus SHB funds itself has long been a wide layer of investors. A concept of what now goes to school. The pioneer has it always harder. So it surprised some when the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) in 2001 began to offer a savings variant in its fund to launch one of the first emission for real estate fund also accumulation, or to put it exactly. The real estate funds of SHB AG offered it at a very early stage of a broader shift by investors and helped so that audiences, who can not immediately create 20,000 euros and more, or want to, can benefit from the advantages of monetary assets. Meanwhile several other underwriters have also jumped on the bandwagon.

An indirect investment in real estate will allow a wide layer of investors, who can invest in life insurance products, savings and open-ended real estate funds”, Hans Gruber of the SHB says innovative fund concepts. After all, what are alternatives? Who is convinced of the value of a real estate investment, as an average wealthy investors but hardly investment opportunities outside of closed-end Fund “, so Gruber next. Life insurance offer barely yields, the interest rate for building savings products is still low. Open-ended real estate funds would not meet mostly the expectations placed in them and were their own design weaknesses to the victims now. And a single real estate? Here, experts repeatedly warn that the risk to bet all on a property at a location and, for example, a tenant who is very large. In a closed-end Fund I use a professional real estate management and a corresponding diversification in several real estate and tenant”, explains the SHB real estate expert Gruber. The Fund of SHB innovative fund concepts AG is characterized by a variety of features that may give potential investors investment security. Examples of successfully realized projects are the real estate fund Erlenhof Munich-Unterhaching, BusinessPark Stuttgart or Carre Gottingen. These are impressive evidence of the competence and performance of the emission House SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) on the outskirts of Munich. For more information,