

Effectiveness? it is a situation where the objectives are reached. Here the concern is with the ends, with the results. Former 1? I will go to Rio De Janeiro? It does not matter if of bus, proper car, motion, airplane, the foot or the horse. It does not import the time expense nor the cost. My objective is to arrive there. Former 2? Student who searchs the graduation. It does not matter will be marked with six years, five, four, or three and half. Perhaps check out Natalie Ravitz for more information.

They do not import the dependences. When to happen the degree light meal, the objective will be fulfilled. Former 3? Professor whom it desires to go the door of the room and is not worried will need itself to skirt all the lines or he will be gone for the straight way shortest and. Arriving the door it will be happy. Efficiency? it is the guarantee of the best use possible in terms of rationalization and otimizao in the use of the organizacionais resources of form that the objectives are reached minimizing cost, losses and improving the systems. Here the concern is with ways. Former 1? I will go to Rio De Janeiro? I must plan: How much time I have for this? Which the transport less dispendioso? How much money will be necessary? My objective is here to arrive at the River with the lesser cost and minor effort.

Former 2? Student who searchs the graduation? How many years of course it will make? That position will adopt to minimize costs and time? Here the objective is to optimize resources to form itself in the lesser time with the biggest exploitation. Former 3? Professor whom it desires to go the door. It will choose the way shortest, straight and that it expends little effort to arrive until there. The union of the effectiveness with the efficiency generates the ability.