

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. – The meat tons of grains, fruits, oils or that the speculators are buying in the market of futures of Chicago will not stop to businesses or houses of the investors, but they will push the rise its price. The great investors, among them the Investment funds, have entered with force the speculation of foods a scaling that already begins to feel but that it initiated in 2005. The FAO, that is it the Organization of the United Nations for Agriculture and the Feeding recognizes that the foods have had strong pressures as of the year 2005 in which 2 percent raised in average. For the 2006 rise it was of the 14 percent and the 36 percent for the past year. The tendency is to the rise. For example, this year a harvest is expected rice record, but its price will increase, according to prognoses of the market of futures that are taken very to chest by great intermediaries, lovers of detail and by all means by the retailer of the corner.

In Mexico, the myth of inflation hides the true effects of the high prices of foods in the very poor entrance of the Mexican in average, but she is the housewife that suffers the generalized rise. In the past, the Private Initiative was crushing with the liberation of the market and the disappearance of Conasupo, a chain of stores that took basic foods most unprotected. Twenty years later, the same Private Initiative alert of the rise of prices and the most needed food shortage between than so much in the countryside as in the urban one inhabits the marginalized zones. The speculation is the evil of our days and already affects the stomach of million people throughout the world. Because foods yes it has, which lacks is money. And that is a dangerous equation.

In the past a hungry town as France untied a revolution, as it happened in Mexico in 1910. So far, a good part of the population in Mexico eats twice to the day: kidney beans, rice, you only twice graze and refreshment and to day. To the Carrier We are a country badly eaten, badly educated, with few labor opportunities and a chaste one of politicians who live on grea. Original author and source of the article.



Everything stops if you aren’t present? Nobody does anything on your own? Each time and when you are looking for so that you help them or make their work? Do however hard you work, your business has stopped growing? And ask yourself what happens if you are doing everything right? Look again in the previous question, the answer is in bold and underlined. So it is, you’re doing everything and without darte account has ceased to be mentor to become a nanny. This happens when and how? When don’t allow each of your affiliates or partners do the work where it belongs, despite having the necessary knowledge. When cimientas fear that do their job poorly or not as well as you would do it. When you have no confidence in their skills, talents and abilities. When you judge instead of advise that it makes them insecure partners.

When you don’t allow their process to pass and pass by them since you’re afraid to be out of business if something does not like it. When you gave your list of prospects and you did the rest of the work. When don’t allow having their own experiences. When you not cgates your team and only want recognition for you: – thou art he that speaketh nicer – thou art which knows everything – it is you that does it all – you’re the best. If more than one of these points happen with your organization, gives him assured that you’re babysitting. And that ain’t the worst thing when you want to give freedom and start to walk and experience for themselves, you will look like the bad guy, think you’re selfish because already aid them as before. By wanting to do good things have started yourself to destroy your business, since sooner or later they end up bouncing, because they got used to make them all or have very low self esteem and don’t believe to be able to do it alone. So Remember, mentor is the person who guides, help shape, and teaches what he knows to another, so this learn and apply it. In the network marketing or MLM it is essential to have a mentor but more indispensable is doubled (teach others what they have learned), since that is the success for your business, if you do not have freedom never and will not get very far. Always analyze your business and carries out a plan of action with your partners and that it is written commitments that each one and always remind them work as a team, since it is the only way to achieve their goals and targets faster.